Kamya Consulting

Subscription Agreement Vs Operating Agreement


When it comes to forming a business, there are a number of legal documents that must be put into place to ensure that everything runs smoothly. Two of the most important documents are the subscription agreement and the operating agreement.

Both the subscription agreement and the operating agreement are designed to outline the terms and conditions of a business’s operations. However, they serve different purposes and should not be used interchangeably.

Subscription Agreements

A subscription agreement is a legal document used by companies when they wish to raise capital by selling securities to outside investors. The document outlines the terms of the investment, including how much money the investor is committing, how the funds will be used, and the rights and restrictions that come with the investment.

The subscription agreement typically includes details such as the number of shares purchased, the price paid per share, and the investor’s rights to dividends or profits. It is a binding agreement that is signed by both the company and the investor, and it is enforceable by law.

Operating Agreements

An operating agreement, on the other hand, is a legal document that outlines the structure and operations of a limited liability company (LLC). This document sets forth the rights and obligations of the members, including their ownership interests, management responsibilities, and profit distribution.

An operating agreement is not a requirement for an LLC, but it is highly recommended. The agreement can be customized to fit the specific needs of the business and can include provisions for voting, decision-making, and dispute resolution.

While the subscription agreement is used primarily to raise capital, the operating agreement is used to establish the framework for how a business will operate on a day-to-day basis.

Key Differences

The key difference between a subscription agreement and an operating agreement is their purpose. A subscription agreement is used when a company wants to raise capital from investors, while an operating agreement is used to establish the structure and operations of a business.

Another important difference is that a subscription agreement is a binding contract between the company and investors, while an operating agreement is a contract between the members of an LLC. The subscription agreement outlines the terms of the investment, while the operating agreement outlines the terms of the business itself.

In conclusion, both the subscription agreement and the operating agreement are critical legal documents for any business. They serve different purposes and should not be used interchangeably. If you are considering starting a business or raising capital, it is important to consult with a legal professional to ensure that you have the appropriate documents in place.

Agreement between Siblings


Agreement between Siblings: How to Resolve Conflicts and Build Strong Relationships

Sibling relationships can be incredibly rewarding and fulfilling, but they can also be fraught with conflict and tension. Whether you`re dealing with issues around sharing, competing for attention from parents, or simply disagreeing about how to spend time together, it`s important to learn how to navigate these challenges in a healthy way. In this article, we`ll explore some of the key strategies for building agreement between siblings and building strong, positive relationships that will last a lifetime.

1. Communicate clearly and respectfully

One of the most important things you can do to build agreement with your siblings is to communicate clearly and respectfully. This means being willing to listen to their perspective, even if you don`t agree with it, and expressing your own opinions in a calm, constructive manner. Avoid getting defensive or attacking your siblings personally, and instead focus on finding common ground and working towards a solution that everyone can agree on.

2. Find ways to compromise

Compromise is key to resolving conflicts between siblings. This means being willing to give a little in order to find a solution that works for everyone. For example, if you and your sibling are arguing over who gets to choose the movie you watch together, you might agree to take turns or pick a movie that you both enjoy. By finding ways to compromise, you can build a stronger relationship based on mutual respect and understanding.

3. Focus on the positive

It`s easy to get caught up in the negative aspects of sibling relationships, but it`s important to remember the positive as well. Make an effort to focus on your sibling`s strengths and the things you appreciate about them, rather than dwelling on their flaws or weaknesses. By doing so, you can create a more positive and supportive dynamic between you, which will ultimately strengthen your relationship.

4. Learn to let go

Sometimes, agreement between siblings simply isn`t possible. In these cases, it`s important to learn to let go of the issue and move on, rather than holding onto resentment or anger. Remember that your relationship with your sibling is more important than any particular disagreement, and focus on building a positive, supportive relationship over the long term.

In conclusion, building agreement between siblings is a key component of developing strong, positive relationships. By communicating clearly and respectfully, finding ways to compromise, focusing on the positive, and learning to let go when necessary, you can create a relationship with your sibling that is based on mutual respect, understanding, and love. With these strategies in mind, you can navigate even the most challenging aspects of sibling relationships and enjoy a lifetime of positive, fulfilling interactions.

Difference between Registered Agreement and Contract


When it comes to business and legal agreements, the terms “registered agreement” and “contract” are often used interchangeably. However, there are important differences between the two that business owners and legal professionals should be aware of before entering into any kind of agreement.

Registered Agreement

A registered agreement, also known as a recorded agreement or deed, is a legal document that is registered with the appropriate government authority. This type of agreement is typically used for long-term business relationships, such as joint ventures, partnerships, or franchise arrangements.

The registration process is essential for a registered agreement because it provides legal recognition and a higher level of security to the agreement. Once the agreement is registered, it cannot be modified or terminated without the consent of all parties involved. Additionally, it becomes a public record which means it’s open for public inspection.

In most countries, a registered agreement must be signed in the presence of a witness, and the parties involved must provide a government-issued ID for verification purposes. Once it is signed and registered, the agreement becomes legally binding and enforceable.


A contract, on the other hand, is a legal agreement between two or more parties that outlines what each party is obligated to do or not do. Contracts can be written or verbal, but it is always advisable for a contract to be in writing. Contracts generally do not need to be registered with any government authority, but they must be signed by all parties involved.

Contracts are generally used for business relationships that are less complex than those that require a registered agreement. For instance, a contract may be used for the provision of goods and services or to govern an employee-employer relationship.

The main difference between a registered agreement and a contract is that a registered agreement must be registered with a government authority while a contract does not. However, it’s essential to note that a registered agreement is usually more secure and legally enforceable than a contract.

In Conclusion

Whether you are entering into a registered agreement or a contract, it`s vital to understand the differences between the two and how they impact your legal rights and obligations. Always seek the advice of a legal professional before entering into any legal agreements, to ensure you understand all the terms and conditions involved.

Unemployment for Contract Workers


Unemployment for Contract Workers: Understanding the Challenges and Solutions

In recent years, the gig economy has been touted as the future of work. More and more people are turning to contract and freelance work as a way to earn a living, gain flexibility and pursue their passions. However, the COVID-19 pandemic has exposed the downside of this trend, especially when it comes to unemployment benefits for contract workers.

Unlike traditional employees, contract workers typically don`t have access to the same level of job security or benefits. This can include things like health insurance, retirement plans, and paid time off. When it comes to unemployment benefits, the challenges can be even greater. Here`s what you need to know about the current state of unemployment for contract workers:

1. Eligibility Requirements

The eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits vary from state to state. However, in general, contract workers must meet certain criteria in order to qualify for benefits. This may include having worked a certain number of hours or earning a minimum amount of income during a specific period of time. For example, in California, the eligibility requirements for Pandemic Unemployment Assistance (PUA) include proof of income and work history, as well as being unable to work due to COVID-19.

2. Limited Coverage

Even if contract workers meet the eligibility requirements for unemployment benefits, the coverage may be limited. In some cases, they may only receive a portion of their normal pay, based on a specific formula. For example, in New York, the maximum weekly benefit for PUA is $504, compared to up to $1,104 for traditional unemployment benefits.

3. Delays in Processing

Due to the sheer volume of applications, many states have experienced delays in processing unemployment claims. This has been especially true for contract workers, who may face additional challenges in providing the necessary documentation and paperwork. In some cases, it can take weeks or even months to receive benefits.

4. Lack of Job Security

One of the biggest challenges facing contract workers is the lack of job security. They may go weeks or months without work, making it difficult to budget and plan for the future. This can make it even harder to weather a period of unemployment, especially if they don`t have access to traditional benefits like severance pay or unemployment insurance.

So, what can be done to address these challenges? Here are a few potential solutions:

1. Expanded Coverage

One solution would be to expand coverage for contract workers. This could include things like offering unemployment insurance for gig workers or creating a system of portable benefits that could be used across multiple jobs and platforms.

2. Streamlined Application Process

Another solution would be to streamline the application process and make it easier for contract workers to apply for benefits. This could include creating a centralized platform that allows workers to apply for benefits online, as well as providing guidance and support throughout the process.

3. Increased Job Security

Finally, addressing the issue of job security is essential for protecting contract workers in the long-term. This could include passing legislation that provides greater protections for gig workers, such as the PRO Act, which would make it easier for workers to unionize and negotiate for better pay and benefits.

In conclusion, unemployment benefits for contract workers are a complex issue that requires careful consideration and attention. While there`s no one-size-fits-all solution, expanding coverage, streamlining the application process, and increasing job security are all steps that can be taken to support this growing segment of the workforce.

Can You Claim Breach of Contract with Less than 2 Years Service


Can You Claim Breach of Contract with Less Than 2 Years of Service?

The answer is yes, you can claim breach of contract with less than 2 years of service. While some may believe that employees need to have a certain amount of tenure before they can bring a breach of contract claim, this is not the case. In fact, the length of service is not a determining factor when it comes to breach of contract claims.

A breach of contract occurs when one party fails to meet its obligations as outlined in the contract agreement. In an employment context, this can include things like failing to pay salary or benefits, failing to provide a safe working environment, or breaching a non-compete clause.

If you believe that your employer has breached their contract with you, it is important to take action as soon as possible. This means gathering evidence, such as copies of your contract and any relevant communications with your employer, and seeking legal advice to determine the best course of action.

In some cases, employees may be able to resolve the issue through negotiation or mediation with their employer. However, if this is not possible, a breach of contract claim can be brought before a court or tribunal. This can be a lengthy and costly process, so it is important to weigh up the potential outcomes and seek legal advice before proceeding.

It is worth noting that there are strict time limits for bringing a breach of contract claim, which vary depending on the jurisdiction and type of claim. In some cases, the time limit may be as short as six months from the date of the breach. Therefore, it is crucial to act quickly and seek legal advice as soon as possible.

In conclusion, the length of service is not a determining factor when it comes to bringing a breach of contract claim. If you believe that your employer has breached their contract with you, it is important to take action as soon as possible and seek legal advice to determine the best course of action. Remember, there are strict time limits for bringing a claim, so act quickly to protect your rights and interests.

How Many Witnesses for Separation Agreement


When it comes to separation agreements, having witnesses can provide added security and validity to the document. While the number of witnesses required can vary depending on your location and specific circumstances, it is important to understand the purpose of having witnesses and what their role entails.

A separation agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a separation between two parties, typically a married couple. These agreements can cover a wide range of issues, such as property division, child custody, and spousal support.

Having witnesses sign a separation agreement can help ensure that the document is legally binding and enforceable. Witnesses can provide verification that both parties entered into the agreement willingly and understood the terms outlined. In many cases, the presence of witnesses can also act as a deterrent against future disputes or challenges to the agreement.

So, how many witnesses are typically required for a separation agreement? Again, this can vary depending on your location and specific circumstances. In some states, two witnesses may be required to sign the document. In others, only one witness may be necessary. However, it is always recommended to have at least two witnesses present to sign a separation agreement.

It is important to note that witnesses should be impartial and not have any vested interest in the outcome of the agreement. For example, family members or close friends may not be the best choice as witnesses, as they may be biased towards one party or another. Instead, it is best to choose neutral parties, such as a notary public or attorney.

In addition to having witnesses sign the document, it is also a good idea to have the agreement notarized. This can further strengthen the validity of the document and provide added protection against future challenges.

In conclusion, having witnesses sign a separation agreement can provide added security and validity to the document. While the required number of witnesses may vary, it is always recommended to have at least two impartial parties present. Additionally, having the agreement notarized can further strengthen its legal standing. If you are unsure of the specific requirements for witnesses in your area, consult with a local attorney or legal expert.