Kamya Consulting

Cupe Agreement 2018


The Canadian Union of Public Employees (CUPE) recently reached a new collective agreement in 2018, marking a significant milestone for the union and its members.

The agreement, which covers over 55,000 workers in Ontario`s school boards, includes several major improvements in working conditions and compensation. Some of the key highlights of the agreement include:

– A two-year wage freeze, followed by a 1% increase in the third year and a 1.5% increase in the fourth year.

– Improved job security provisions, including more protection against layoffs and outsourcing.

– Enhanced benefits for part-time workers, including better access to benefits and sick leave.

– Increased funding for professional development and training for workers.

Overall, the new agreement represents a major victory for CUPE and its members, as it provides critical protections and benefits for workers in an increasingly challenging economic and political environment.

At the same time, however, the agreement also reflects some of the broader trends in labor relations and collective bargaining in Canada. In recent years, unions have faced increasing pressure from governments and employers to accept concessions and cuts to wages and benefits, often in the name of fiscal austerity and budget restraint.

Despite these challenges, however, CUPE and other unions have continued to fight for workers` rights and protections, and this latest agreement is a testament to the ongoing strength and resilience of the labor movement in Canada.

As the country continues to grapple with economic and social challenges in the years ahead, it will be important for unions and workers to remain vigilant and engaged in the fight for fair wages, good jobs, and strong communities. And with agreements like the 2018 CUPE agreement, we can be confident that this fight will continue to be successful and meaningful for years to come.

Claiming Vat on Hp Agreement


Claiming VAT on HP Agreement: A Comprehensive Guide for Small Business Owners

As a small business owner, you are likely familiar with the concept of claiming VAT on purchases made for your business. However, when it comes to HP agreements, things can get a bit more complicated. In this article, we will provide a comprehensive guide on claiming VAT on HP agreements and ensure that you receive the maximum benefit.

What is an HP agreement?

HP stands for hire purchase and is a type of finance agreement used to purchase assets such as machinery, vehicles, and equipment for your business. An HP agreement is essentially a contract that allows you to pay for the asset over time, typically in monthly installments, while also allowing you to use the asset immediately.

How Does VAT Work on HP Agreements?

When it comes to VAT, HP agreements are treated differently from outright purchases. Unlike outright purchases, where you pay the full VAT amount upfront, HP agreements only require you to pay VAT on the monthly payments. The VAT on the asset itself is spread out over the life of the agreement, making it easier for small business owners to manage their cash flow.

How to Claim VAT on HP Agreements?

To claim VAT on HP agreements, you must ensure that your agreement meets certain criteria. Firstly, you must be a VAT registered business. Secondly, the asset must be used only for business purposes. Any personal use will not be eligible for VAT recovery. Finally, the agreement must state that VAT will be charged on the monthly payments.

Once you have confirmed that your agreement meets the criteria, you can then claim VAT on the monthly payments by including them on your VAT return. It is essential to keep records of the payments and the VAT included to support your claim. If you have any doubts, it is always best to seek the advice of a qualified accountant to ensure that you are claiming the correct amount.

Final Thoughts

Claiming VAT on HP agreements can be a complex process, but it is essential to ensure that you receive the maximum benefit for your business. By understanding the criteria and keeping accurate records, you can confidently claim VAT on your monthly payments and manage your cash flow effectively. If you are unsure about the process, seek the advice of a qualified accountant who can guide you through the process and ensure that you are claiming the correct amount.

Freight Agreements


Freight Agreements: Getting Your Shipment from A to B

If you’re involved in logistics, you’ve probably come across the term “freight agreements” before. But what are they exactly, and how do they work? In this article, we’ll explore the basics of freight agreements and how they can help you get your goods from A to B.

What are Freight Agreements?

Freight agreements, also known as transport contracts or shipping contracts, are legally binding agreements between a shipper and a carrier. They define the terms under which the carrier will transport the goods from one location to another. Freight agreements can be used for any mode of transportation, including road, air, rail, or sea.

Why are Freight Agreements Important?

Freight agreements are important for several reasons. Firstly, they establish the terms of the shipment, including the price, delivery times, and liability for loss or damage. This ensures that both the shipper and the carrier are clear on their responsibilities and can avoid disputes later on.

Secondly, freight agreements can provide protection for both parties. For example, a shipper can use a freight agreement to ensure that the carrier has adequate insurance coverage for the value of the goods being transported. A carrier can use a freight agreement to limit their liability for loss or damage to the goods.

Moreover, freight agreements can help establish long-term relationships between shippers and carriers. If a shipper regularly transports goods with a particular carrier, they can use a freight agreement to negotiate favorable rates and terms.

What Should be Included in a Freight Agreement?

A freight agreement should include the following information:

1. Parties involved: The names and addresses of the shipper and the carrier.

2. Description of the goods: A detailed description of the goods being transported, including their quantity, weight, and dimensions.

3. Price and payment terms: The price that the shipper will pay the carrier for the transportation services, as well as the terms of payment.

4. Delivery terms: The delivery location and the expected delivery time.

5. Liability for loss or damage: The liability for loss or damage to the goods during transportation and the insurance coverage.

6. Dispute resolution: The procedure for resolving any disputes that may arise between the shipper and carrier.

7. Termination clause: The circumstances under which the freight agreement can be terminated by either party.


In summary, freight agreements are essential for ensuring that goods are transported smoothly and efficiently from one location to another. They establish the terms of the shipment, provide protection for both parties, and help establish long-term relationships. If you’re involved in logistics, it’s crucial to understand the basics of freight agreements and include all the necessary information in your contracts.

Role of Collective Agreement in Union Discussion


The role of collective agreements in union discussions cannot be overstated. These agreements are crucial in defining the terms and conditions of employment for union members. They serve as a legally binding contract between the employer and the employees, outlining the rights and responsibilities of both parties.

Collective agreements are typically negotiated between a union and the employer. The union acts as the representative for the employees, advocating for fair working conditions and compensation. The employer, on the other hand, seeks to maintain profitability while also meeting the needs of their workforce.

Collective agreements typically cover a variety of topics, including wages, benefits, hours of work, vacation time, sick leave, and other important aspects of employment. They are designed to create a level playing field for workers and ensure that they are treated fairly and consistently.

One of the key benefits of collective agreements is that they help to establish clear guidelines for resolving workplace disputes. In the event of a disagreement or conflict between the employer and employees, the terms of the collective agreement can be used to find a resolution. This can help to avoid costly legal battles and maintain a positive working relationship between the two parties.

Another benefit of collective agreements is that they can help to create a more stable work environment. By establishing clear standards and expectations for both the employer and employees, these agreements can help to reduce turnover and ensure that workers feel valued and supported. This can lead to increased productivity and improved job satisfaction, benefiting both the employer and employees.

Overall, the role of collective agreements in union discussions is critical to ensuring fair and consistent treatment for workers. These agreements provide a framework for resolving disputes, establishing clear guidelines for employment, and creating a more stable work environment. As such, they are an essential component of any union negotiation process and a critical tool for protecting the rights of employees.

Real Estate Installment Sale Agreement


Real estate installment sale agreements are an effective way to sell a property and receive payments over time. This type of agreement is also known as seller financing or owner financing.

In a real estate installment sale agreement, the seller acts as the lender and finances the sale of the property to the buyer. The buyer agrees to make regular payments, typically over a period of years, until the purchase price is paid in full. This type of agreement can be beneficial for both parties involved.

For the seller, the benefits include:

1. Increased marketability: By offering financing, the seller opens up the property to a larger pool of buyers who might not be able to obtain traditional financing.

2. Steady stream of income: The regular payments from the buyer can provide a reliable source of income over time.

3. Tax benefits: By spreading out the sale over time, the seller can potentially lower their tax burden.

For the buyer, the benefits include:

1. Easier qualification: Since the seller is acting as the lender, there may be fewer strict requirements for financing.

2. Lower up-front costs: With seller financing, the buyer may be able to avoid traditional down payments and closing costs.

3. More flexibility: The buyer and seller can negotiate the terms of the agreement to fit their specific needs.

However, it’s important to note that there are also potential risks associated with real estate installment sale agreements. These risks include:

1. Default: If the buyer is unable to make payments, the seller may have to take legal action to recover the property.

2. Interest rate risk: The seller is taking on the risk of interest rate changes, which could affect the profitability of the agreement.

3. Property condition: If the property’s condition deteriorates over time, the seller may be unable to recover the full purchase price.

To mitigate these risks, it’s important for both parties to thoroughly understand the terms of the agreement and to consult with legal and financial professionals before entering into the transaction.

Overall, real estate installment sale agreements can be a viable option for both buyers and sellers. By carefully considering the benefits and risks, and seeking professional guidance, the parties involved are more likely to achieve a successful outcome.

Operational Level Agreement Definition


An operational level agreement (OLA) is a contractually agreed upon agreement that defines the roles and responsibilities of different teams within an organization. It is a part of service level management (SLM) that outlines the specific operational details required to achieve a service level agreement (SLA).

The purpose of an OLA is to provide clear guidelines to teams within an organization to ensure effective and efficient service delivery. It specifies the performance metrics, maintenance, support, and reporting procedures that are necessary to maintain the agreed-upon service levels.

OLAs are commonly used in information technology (IT) environments where multiple teams are involved in the delivery of services. For instance, if your company has support teams, development teams, and operations teams working together, an OLA would outline the roles and responsibilities of each team in detail.

An OLA is typically developed to support an SLA, which details the overall service level expectations for the client. The OLA provides more granular details about the operational procedures needed to meet the SLA requirements. An OLA should be reviewed and updated periodically to ensure it is still applicable to current service delivery and that the services provided are meeting or exceeding the agreed-upon performance metrics.

In conclusion, an OLA is an essential element of service level management in any organization. It helps to define the roles and responsibilities of different teams within the organization, detailing the specific operational procedures required to achieve service level agreements. This agreement ensures that all parties involved in service delivery, both internal and external, understand their roles and responsibilities, leading to improved service delivery and overall customer satisfaction.

What Is a Service Level Agreement in Education


A Service Level Agreement (SLA) is a contract that specifies the promises and responsibilities between a service provider and their clients. In the education sector, SLAs are agreements that lay out the terms and expectations of services provided by educational institutions to their students or other stakeholders.

An SLA is a critical component of maintaining clear, unambiguous communication between educational institutions and their stakeholders. The document outlines the specific services provided, expected response times, quality standards, and the consequences for not meeting performance metrics.

The SLA is designed to ensure that educational institutions can provide high-quality educational services that meet their clients` needs. Educational institutions that implement an SLA can measure their performance objectively, provide transparency, and build trust with their stakeholders.

The benefits of an SLA in education are numerous. First, it helps the educational institution clearly define what services they`re offering and what`s expected from their students. This ensures that everyone is on the same page and expectations are aligned. Second, it helps identify any gaps in service that may need to be addressed or adjusted. Third, it can help to ensure that adequate resources are allocated to deliver the promised services.

In addition, an SLA can help to mitigate misunderstandings and disputes between educational institutions and their stakeholders by providing a document that outlines the expectations and terms of the agreement. The document serves as a reference point for both parties, and in case of a dispute, it can be used as evidence of the agreed-upon terms.

In conclusion, an SLA is a critical component of the educational institution`s overall quality assurance framework. By implementing an SLA, stakeholders can have confidence in the educational services provided, and institutions can ensure that they are meeting the needs of their stakeholders. When everyone is on the same page and expectations are clear, educational institutions can provide a better education experience that meets the needs of all parties involved.